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This book provides an overview of the history, manifestations, and treatment of heart disease and heart rhythm disorders. In addition, it covers the effects on the lives of patients, coping mechanisms, and relationships with doctors, family, religion, and death. The book uniquely intersects the fields of medicine, literature, science, and art. Chapters begin by familiarizing the reader with the historical aspects of manifestations and treatment – discussing both scientific and psychological aspects of the disease. Chapters also discuss the evolution of several treatment modalities. Every chapter of the book contains interesting and evocative patient stories and their treatment.

Rhythms of Broken Hearts will be of interest to a wide spectrum of health care practitioners as well as to patients and related family members with interest in understanding their symptoms and disease entity.
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Have A Heart is mostly set in New York from 1998-2001, ending a few months after 9/11. The three main protagonists include: Anna, a famous Russian ballerina; Ali, a brilliant heart doctor, the head of the heart transplant program at a New York Medical Center; and Nancy, Ali's wife who dies on 9/11.

In Have A Heart, Gomes explores the intertwined romantic and professional lives of three individuals, a torpid romance between a patient, Anna, and her doctor, Ali, the clash of cultures, the political upheavals of our times, the tribulations of waiting for a
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This engaging book covers a multitude of topics related to heart rhythm disorders (HRDs) and uniquely familiarizes readers with the development of treatment modalities over the past several decades, including the evolution of anti-arrhythmic drugs, pacemakers, defibrillators, and catheter ablation.

Organized in ten sections, this title serves as both an archival and a contemporary resource for clinicians. The first section describes the discovery of the circulatory system by William Harvey in 1628 and the discovery of the electrical conducting pathways in the heart. It also outlines the development and understanding of HRD since the advent of intra-cardiac electrophysiology. Subsequent sections discuss the historical evolution of abnormal heart rhythms, such as supra and ventricular rhythms and sudden cardiac death, their treatment with drugs, surgery, pacemakers, implantable defibrillators and catheter ablation. Section nine offers a fascinating narration of the clinical evolution of overcoming heart attacks and its impact on HRDs. The final section explores potential new frontiers in HRD and the factors that may contribute to the prospective rise of cardiovascular diseases.

A ground-breaking and invaluable addition to the clinical literature, Heart Rhythm Disorders: History, Mechanisms and Management Perspectives details the pervasive nature of cardiovascular diseases in human history, their ramifications, and their projected effects on at-risk demographic populations and human health in general.
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The unexpected revelations in his mother's diary, prompts Roberto to return from New York, to his ancestral home in Goa. There, with the help of ayah Carmina, he unravels the mystery surrounding the tragedy that befell his siblings nearly 21 years ago, that profoundly affected his psyche, ruining his marriage to Maria.

The month is May, the year 1961, in the village of Loutolim, in Portuguese Goa. The mother, Dona Isabella, anxiously awaits the return of her eldest and favorite son Paulo, who was studying law in Coimbra, Portugal. On the very day of his return, he escapes execution by masked guerillas seeking overthrow of the colonial regime.

India’s military takeover of Goa unravels the socio-economic foundation of Roberto’s traditional Goan family. His sister Amanda falls in love with a man of lower caste; while Dona Isabella laments the loss of her culture. Haunted by nightmares, Paulo takes to drinking, drugs and sex orgies with the American hippies on the Baga beach.

The revelations by ayah Carmina prompts Roberto and Maria to make up for the lost time.

This brilliantly crafted story unfolds like a canvas imbued with a profound sensibility, and a sense of foreboding. In the Sting of Peppercorns, Gomes takes on history, love, death, the conflicts of assimilation, and the cultural mores of the people of his native Goa.
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As inesperadas revelações no diário de sua mãe levam Roberto a voltar de Nova York para sua casa ancestral em Goa. Lá, com a ajuda de Ayah Carmina, ele desvenda o mistério em torno da tragédia que atingiu seus irmãos há quase 21 anos, que afetou profundamente sua psique, arruinando seu casamento com Maria.

O mês é maio, ano de 1961, na aldeia de Loutolim, em Goa portuguesa. A mãe, dona Isabella, aguarda ansiosamente a volta de seu filho mais velho e favorito Paulo, que estudava Direito em Coimbra, Portugal. No mesmo dia de seu retorno, ele escapa da execução por guerrilheiros mascarados que querem derrubar o regime colonial.

A aquisição militar indiana de Goa desvenda a fundação socioeconômica da tradicional família goesa de Roberto. Sua irmã Amanda se apaixona por um homem de casta inferior; enquanto Dona Isabella lamenta a perda de sua cultura. Assombrado por pesadelos, Paulo leva para beber, drogas e orgias sexuais com os hippies americanos na praia de Baga.

As revelações de ayah Carmina incitam Roberto e Maria a compensar o tempo perdido. Esta história brilhantemente trabalhada desdobra-se como uma tela imbuída de uma sensibilidade profunda e uma sensação de mau presságio. Nas Garras do Destino, Gomes assume a história, o amor, a morte, os conflitos de assimilação e os costumes culturais do povo de sua terra natal, Goa.

GOA: A Post-Colonial Society Between Cultures

The book entitled: Goa: A Post-Colonial Society Between Cultures is a compilation of essays based on an international conference held at Yale University on Goa, with contributions by international scholars. Anthony Gomes has written an essay entitled: From Post-Colonial to Neo-Colonial: Perils and Prospects Facing Goan Culture Today, and a poem entitled: Saudades. The book is available by writing to


Dr. J. Anthony Gomes takes the reader on a voyage in verse that traverses the globe - from Goa (India) to Staten Island (NY), the Algarve in Portugal, Rio in Brazil, the Asturias in Spain, Caracas in Venezuela, and Yagamata in Japan. His verse connects the reader with the Orinoco (one of the longest rivers of South America), the Inca site of Machu Picchu, Bahia in Brazil, street scenes in NYC, and the varied experiences of an expert dealing with the heart. Back home, his youthful memories take us to dusk in Loutolim village, Goa; the legend of an attempted robbery at Aldona village; the streets of Bombay; and the nostalgia that many a Goan migrant feels for home. Detailed notes at the end of the collection give a hint for the reader to comprehend the universal dimension of a specialist.

Grace Schulman, poet and distinguished professor of English, says the second poetry volume of the cardiologist-who-writes "captures the landscape and rhythms of his native Goa, his travels, and his patients."

"In these sixty poems, physician-poet Antonio Gomes gathers up five decades of life experiences spaced around the world. He is at his most eloquent when he speaks of love," comments the prominent Goan expat author Victor Rangel-Ribeiro.

"Gomes invites the reader to an imaginative journey in finely crafted verse that traverses numerous stages of life, contrasting moods, diverse continents, and singular moments in personal history," adds the Goa-based playwright Dr. Isabel Santa Rita Vas.
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The year is 1961, the month of May: In Portuguese Goa, in the village of loutolim, on the west coast of India. Dona Isabella prepares for the unexpected return of her eldest and favorite son Paulo, who is studying law in Coimbra, Portugal. On the very day of his return to Goa, Paulo barely escapes execution by a group of masked guerrillas seeking the overthrow of the colonial Portuguese regime.

Paulo's life, and that of his rich and traditional Brahmin family, takes a tragic turn with the military takeover of Goa by India after 451 years of Portuguese rule. The integration of Goa into India disentangles the socioeconomic foundation of the Albuquerque family. Paulo's sister falls in love with a man of lower caste. Dona Isabella laments the loss of her culture and the unraveling of her children's lives. Haunted by nightmares and daydreaming of his return to Portugal. Paulo takes to drinking, drugs and sex orgies on the Baga beach with the hippies.

This brilliantly crafted story unfolds like a canvas, suffused with a profound sensibility and a sense of foreboding. In The Sting of Peppercorns, Gomes takes on history, love, death, the conflicts of assimilation, and the cultural mores of a people--the people of his native Goa.
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In these poems the deeper Antonia Gomes reaches into his own loss and sorrow, hope and joy, passion and desire, the more he seems to sing for us all.

His lofty perceptions and his visionary landscape are at all times grounded in a sense of our shared humanity.

We follow him in his poetic journey between disparate worlds and cultures. He let us listen in on his intimate and far-reaching conversations with the great bards—from Dante, Goethe and Camões to Whitman, Tagore and Neruda. He invites us to partake in the pathos and passion of being fully human.

A Cardiologist by profession, Antonio Gomes follows the vocation of a luminous poet of the heart with his finger secure on the pulse of creation.

Concepts, Methods and Applications

This book deals with the basic concepts of high resolution electrocardiography: the electrophysiological basis of late potentials, mechanism of arrhythmias, the different methods of recording and analysis of high resolution, signal processed electrocardiograms and their clinical applications.

This is a new edition and is more up-to-date, provides more clinical utility and addresses more basic concepts of the electrophysiology of re-entrant arrhythmias than any other book published in the same field. The book will appeal to cardiologists (academic and clinical), electrophysiologists, technicians and engineers working in the field of computerized electrocardiography and in industry.